"I was blown away by your talent and insight as a choreographer. I hope to see your work soon in big companies"
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui
Marcia Haydee
"I saw the work of a natural talent, it really was amazing, just fantastic!"
Dance Ballet 2006
"Seeds of invention are there."
Dance Europe 2010
"By pushing his dancers to the limit, he was able to discover new ways of expression."
Genevieve Van Quaquebeke
"I really like your style, I believe in you. Working with you and dancing your pieces were among my favorite experiences. I always want to assist you."
"After seeing Theropoda I regretted my retirement from ballet for the first time. If you want to experiment or start a new project, I am ready to work with you."
Alain Honorez
From Classic central, website for music lovers
The last choreography before the interlude, ‘Theropoda’ , work from Jonas Vlerick and music from Dario Minelle -‘Remember ‘ and ‘The Dominoes fall’ – was very original and impressing. Highly dramatically! You start looking at a strange body language but then you are submerged. His dancers are prototypical, extreme evolved creatures, whose dance movements are an instrument to translate their bestial instincts. Surrealistic , daring and very successful. The lightning design made it complete.